New Google Map object is a new display object for embedding a Google Maps in an RTView display. Creating interactive maps supporting drill-down better enables the creation of custom service and operations performance monitoring solutions for distributed data centers and operations globally.
Audio is now supported in browser deployments. The Play Audio File command now allows developers to embed audio feedback mechanisms into their custom service and operations monitoring applications. Now key thresholds can generate audible alerts to notify users when action needs to be taken, improving reaction time. Tabbed interfaces offer developers and users greater flexibility in data display. With the introduction of the new TAB Control object, developers can integrate multiple tabs into their interactive displays. This allows for better organization of service and operations performance data and enables navigation paths to be more intuitive. Additional enhancements such as support for Java 1.8 and enhancements for improved data management and APIs for external access to data round out this much-anticipated release of RTView Core 6.6. To learn more, please visit or contact us for a free demo or trial. About SL Corporation For more information on SL, please call +1 415-927-8400 or visit |